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The Gene Poole Genealogy Services

This is what I do!

I have been hooked on genealogy for a number of years now, having picked up the pieces of the limited research undertaken by a great uncle in the 1970's and 80's. From those humble beginnings, I have built up an amazing picture of a very complex family, including many international links.

The complexity of my own research has helped me uncover all sorts of on- and offline resources, which helps in my research for others. Your family history is unlikely to worry me, irrespective of how complex it is.

The Service

I believe in offering a very flexible service, to deliver exactly what you want, for a transparent budget. This allows you to plan what, how and when we research certain aspects of your family.

The services include various research packages and I can provide examples of the output you will receive as part of the package. Please select 'Reports' in the service menu for this.

So, what are you going to get for your money? I prepare the following for you:

  • A professionally printed book of your family tree.
  • A full-colour family tree printed & digital copy.
  • Original copies of all birth, marriage and death certificates, census returns and parish records where applicable.
  • A full report listing all sources.
  • A 'narrative' Family Tree listing your ancestors' relationship to one another.
  • Places of geographical origin. Occupations, with explanations where appropriate.
  • Suggestions for further research on your family history.
  • And with each Family Tree ordered you will get a cloud storage account, with Gedcom file, containing all your researched documents, including a PDF version of the full package.

The services I offer have been split for your convenience into three packages, although you can still employ me for a bespoke research service. The packages are:

  • Bronze - for research to 3 generations, i.e. your grandparents (approx. 15 people).
  • Silver - for research to 4 generations, i.e. your great grandparents (approx. 25 people).
  • Gold - for research to 5 generations, i.e. your great, great grandparents (approx. 45 people).
  • Bespoke service - for research on your terms.