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The Gene Poole Gold Service™

Expanding your tree

Golden Lion logo for the Gold ServiceThe Gold service builds your tree to a comprehensive overview of where you came from. The research takes you back five generations, with at least 45 entries (where applicable).

You will also get a narrative tree for two surnames, and a pictorial family tree for four surnames (normally your four grandparents). You will also get copies and translations of the census returns as well as all available certificates. All the information will be presented in a hardback book (in full colour if applicable). You will also get a folder with all the original certificates and copies of any other resources.

This service will provide you with all the available information about the five generations.

So, what are you going to get for your money? I prepare the following for you:

  • A full-colour family tree printed and bound in a hardback book, one copy provided as part of the package, but further copies can be bought online.
  • Original copies of all birth, marriage and death certificates, census returns and parish records where applicable.
  • A full report listing all sources.
  • A 'narrative' Family Tree listing your ancestors' relationship to one another.
  • A 'graphic' Family Tree for four surnames.
  • Listing of Places – all the places found in the research.
  • Listing of Occupations, with explanations where appropriate.
  • Suggestions for further research on your family history.
  • And with each Family Tree ordered you will get a cloud storage account, containing the Gedcom file, all your researched documents, including a PDF version of the book in full colour.

The cost of this service package is £2,100.