Genealogy Help

Software Recommendations

Family Tree Maker 2012 Platinum Edition (PC)

Claimed to be the World's No. 1 selling genealogy software, this can synchronise between your PC and Ancestry. It also includes 6 months membership of Ancestry.

Family Historian 5 Deluxe Genealogy Software (PC)

An entry-level software package with good integration for maps, timelines, etc., through the Plugin Store.

RootsMagic 6 (Premium) (PC)

My favourite at The Gene Poole, this pack also includes old atlases, landowner registers and a subscription to TheGenelogist.

Family Tree Maker for MAC v2 (Mac)

This is the Mac version of the Family Tree Maker, with all its benefits.

MacFamily Tree 5 (Mac CD)

A native Mac programme with 3D Virtual tree display and ideal for Internet publishing. It can also synchronise with the iPhone and iPod Touch.

Heredis Mac X Genealogy

Another native Mac programme that is great for combining databases and managing complex trees. This is ideal for large databases.


The Membership Gift Pack (PC CD)

Ancestry is the largest portal for genealogical information in the World, and well worth using!


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